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Monday, February 11, 2008

halo :D
this is Hak Soon.

i dunno why suddenly i feel this urge to post.

today im gona share with u how persecuters turn to christ.
Most of you guys will be thinking, some of your friends who persecutes christ, will never get save or have little faith that they will be saved and in the end did not reach out to them.

Actually, have u ever wondered why do they hate christ so much, and ironically, we love Jesus so much.

This what i found out.
1) Some church send people to share the gospels. However, when they(gentiles/athetist/other religionist) rejects them, the gospels was forced down their throat. In the end they got irritated.
Luke 10: 6 And if a son of peace is there, your peace will rest on it; if not, it will return to you.
If they want to listen, then u share with them, if not, dun irritate them. Let peace return to you =)

2) Some Christians insults other people's religion, causing them to angry. Some are very sensitive to their own religion as it is a family tradition and it is part of them. Even though all this are pagan rituals, we still need to spare a thought for them. Can u imagine? u have been doing this thing for like 3 generations already, and someone comes over and insults, would u be angry?
U would be angry is because it is now part of u. This is what happen to one of my friend and in the end, he almost turn to satanism to actually try to make the christians "angry" What i suggest is that u make them feel what is different about us and them and slowly he will open up to u. =)

3) Some just do not believe in religion. They tend to look more on the logical side and think logically, they will never ever believe until they actually see it.

So are the persecuters are not able to recieve salvation by faith?
Of course not.
Acts 9:1 Then Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest

Saul is one of the characters in the bible who persecutes christians. Sounds like someone you know? XD

Acts 9:3-4As he journeyed he came near Damascus, and suddenly a light shone around him from heaven. Then he fell to the ground, and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?”
THIS is the evidence of Jesus. Some persecuters who thinks logically will actually make them think why did it happen? I was once like that. Until i saw the power of God during one of the service. When pastor kong lay hands on the people and they fall under the power, i never forget the experience. It makes me felt that God is real, and i cannot deny the power from heaven. Another experience is during the mike connell service. The deliverance makes me feel that God is real, and so is satan, which means good and evil exist in the spiritual realm.

Saul was actually blinded after an encounter with the Lord. All the more, he felt the presence and the power of God

But our God is a merciful God!
Acts 9:11-12 So the Lord said to him(Ananias), “Arise and go to the street called Straight, and inquire at the house of Judas for one called Saul of Tarsus, for behold, he is praying. And in a vision he has seen a man named Ananias coming in and putting his hand on him, so that he might receive his sight.”

But what surprised me is this verse.
Acts9:15 But the Lord said to him, “Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel.
somebody say WOW.
a chosen vessel.
Someone, who kills and murders christian is a CHOSEN by God.
True enough, he became the apostle paul, written many many books in the bible.
If u dun believe me, go count how many books written by him in the new testaments.
i think he written more than most of the 12 disciples of Jesus.

so it does not mean that persecuters FOREVER won't recieve salvation by faith.
Who knows, he may be the next senior pastor of a church or even be a missionary, jus by reaching out to him. You never know. :D
God likes to turn things around when things look hopeless.

somebody say Amen.


1:44 PM

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Hey W193!


Hope you will enjoy your CNY visits.
See you people on Sunday!
Love you people! :]

12:00 AM

Saturday, February 2, 2008

The parable about the Shepherd who has lose one sheep and actually left the 99 for the 1 lost sheep.

Here's another version. A lame one. Thought of it after service today. After celebrating limei's birthday. Limei was looking though the card to see who did sign and who hasn't.

Limei is like the shepherd. she will be more concern about the people who didn't sign and less towards the people who has sign it. And when she see that the rest finally have their signature on the card, she will rejoice over it. O.o something like that. Another one is the cell group member sending happy birthday msg to the birthday boy/girl.

Every time a msg comes, the birthday person will rejoice over the msg, just like the heaven rejoices when one got saved.

The birthday person will even wait excitedly for the next msg from another fellow group member, just like The lord waiting for one to be save, then rejoice again upon receiving another msg.

This sort of gives me a rough idea of how the Lord feels as He awaits for that one person that He wants to have and add into the kingdom of His. O.o

11:26 PM

After cell group ends, a few of us were at the bus stop waiting for the bus. I have in my hand a ball of string which I play with it for awhile.

Suddenly, the story of the talent of the servants struck my mind so decided to play around the verses. I was randomly acting out the verses but when it comes to the burying of talent, I actually got a bit bothered by it.

On board the bus, I thought it though and think that, “hey, was I like the one who buried my talent and not gaining any. My mind is full of friends, classmates and everyone who I know of at that time.”

A classmate mine, Zi Sheng, is able to play about 6 land sport very well,

Qinglin and Haksoon now currently learning guitar,

Sean taking up piano.

They are all either picking up skills or seeking for them right now.

What about me?

Am I really not having any talent or am I just simply afraid to seek for it?

Trying to stay within my comfort zone and not willing to try out new things.

Either way, I strongly think that still they have the rough meaning of what the third servant has said to the Lord.

The bible says that the third servant, in the end, was cast into the outer darkness.

And I seriously don't want that to happen to me or anyone else…

No more excuses yet?


It's Li Mei Birthday today~
Let's wish her a Happy Birthday when u see her ^^

8:58 AM

Friday, February 1, 2008

i've got a revelation a few days ago.
and i thought it'll be nice to share.

it's just few days ago i was visiting some websites.
and suddenly these few words just poped out infront of me.

King Jesus Is Coming Back

and i felt like it isnt any other words that you're reading.
it's like somebody telling me that He is coming back. =)

so.. after reading this, what should you do? x)

Posted by: Emily

2:04 AM

Double-U-One-Nine-Three ♥

We love God wholeheartedly.
We love people fervently.
We just love to praise YOU.
We walk by faith and not by sight.

Well of WORDS


Uncle Sam


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